Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Duties and Responsibilities: Psychiatrists will do a variety of things to help their patients. They will analyze and evaluate patient data and test or examination findings to diagnose nature and extent of mental disorder, prescribe and administer psychotherapeutic treatments or medications to treat mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders and collaborate with physicians, psychologists, social workers, psychiatric nurses, or other professionals to discuss treatment plans and progress. They will also gather and maintain patient information and records, including social and medical history obtained from patients, relatives, and other professionals, counsel outpatients and other patients during office visits. Design individualized care plans, using a variety of treatments, and examine or conduct laboratory or diagnostic tests on patient to provide information on general physical condition and mental disorder. They will also advise and inform guardians, relatives, and significant others of patients' conditions and treatment, review and evaluate treatment procedures and outcomes of other psychiatrists and medical professionals, and teach, conduct research, and publish findings to increase understanding of mental, emotional, and behavioral states and disorders.
Salary: $90,000 - $200,000
Education: In addition to completing the requirements for a degree in allopathic or osteopathic medicine, psychiatrists must complete an intensive three year residency in psychiatry.

Reflection: I would most definitely like to become a psychiatrist. My obsession is in psychology and I would like to become a professional in this field. Whether or not I want to delve in the career of psychiatry is a question I have to ask myself.

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