Wednesday, June 4, 2014

“Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy.”

David A. Bednar

This quote means that if you are obedient then it is likely that you become happy and stay happy. I am not sure if I agree with this quote or not. The reason why I am unsure is because the thought of saying that obedience will make you happy is too vague to be correct. Yes obedience is choosing the right thing to do but does it make you happy? There are plenty of scenarios that would show that someone isn’t happy because they are obedient. Some scenarios might include slavery, oppression, tyranny, fear, or even just depression. All those scenarios would include someone being obedient but also not being happy. So again I don’t think I agree with this quote, but nor do I disagree with it because it some cases being obedient will grant you happiness.
Life Planning Goals Progress Report

I haven’t been doing so well accomplishing my goals. The reason for that is mostly because I only manage to write down long term goals. The only short term goals that I did write down I actually did accomplish, which would amount to about four. If I really want to accomplish my goals I should start trying to write down more short term goals. Also I just need to apply myself, like with everything else, in order to become the best that I can be. Also swear that I will read my life planning notebook throughout my lifetime and I will try my best at reading my life planning notebook every day.
Class Reflection
1.       What did you like best about this class?
What I liked best about this class would have to be that I learned so much about the medical field and also I had the chance to open my mind further to ideas and people that I haven’t before with all the reflections of the quotes.
2.      What did you dislike about this class?
What I disliked about this class was that the quotes we did reflect on were mostly very similar by which I mean that they all centralized around a theme of doing the right thing, which is a great topic but I would've liked something different once in a while.
3.      What can you recommend to improve this class?
I would recommend that we get the chance to reflect on different ideas, like I said before, and also to just change up the routine one on a while.
4.      What will you always remember about this class?

I will always remember the lessons and ideas I learned in this class.